
Excited to be chosen for the EDI GSL Experience in Israel

Sunday, July 13, 2014

And just like that, it's over!

Our internship officially ended this past Thursday. Jordan and I spent our last week in the Commission working endlessly to put together our research into a presentable and detailed report and presentation. We enjoyed our last week speaking to members of the Commission and wrapping up our 6 week project. On Thursday, we had the pleasure to present our findings to members of the Commission and Israel Elwyn, which went great. We were a bit nostalgic to say goodbye but nonetheless grateful of this amazing opportunity. After our presentation, the Commission was kind enough to present us with a few tokens of appreciation for us to remember our contribution in Israel.

A little gift from the Commission and Israel Elwyn

Now that we are down to our last few days, Jordan and I took it upon ourselves to explore the rest of Jerusalem which we have not seen yet. We visited the Israel Museum which was a great and very insightful trip. We also re-visited the Old City a few more times and its many sacred sights, including the Church of the Holy Sepulcher which holds the tomb of Jesus. 

A recreated Synagogue from the Israel Museum

The tomb of Jesus

We are down to our last two days and are enjoying every second of this trip before we have to part ways. Soon we will be in America retelling our journey. We are excited to go home and look forward to helping out the students for next year's trip!

Israel, it's been great. 


  1. Daniel, thank you for this final amazing post! We are trilled that you and Jordan enjoyed your time in Israel and look forward to catching up with you both soon.

  2. What a great final post, Daniel. Thank you for sharing about your last few days, and the pictures. Congratulations to both of you on completing the program, and welcome back to the U.S.!
