
Excited to be chosen for the EDI GSL Experience in Israel

Friday, July 4, 2014

Time Is Flying By!

Our second to last week in Israel has been extremely eventful. Although some of our friends and family have been concerned over recent events happening in the region, Daniel and I feel extremely extremely safe where we are living and working. 
This week we concluded our work at Elwyn in Jerusalem. We had the opportunity to visit the Knesset and Hadassah Hospital to see supported employment programs. I was very impressed with the program at the Knesset because the people with disabilities were considered full employees of the Knesset and most had been there for an extended period of time. At the end of our time at Elwyn, we had the opportunity to learn more about their LAHAV program which works to transition people from sheltered employment to supported employment. We were unable to find many programs like it but thought it was a great program and look forward to see how it develops in the future. On Wednesday, we returned to the Commission. Everyone was excited that we were back and was curious as to what we had been doing for the past week and a half!
This week we also had an opportunity to spend time with Rivka! She took us to see another beautiful overlook of Jerusalem and an old Windmill. We are always finding new places in Jerusalem that we did not know existed. On Friday, Daniel and I visited Mt. Hertzl, a war cemetery and Yad Vashem, the Holocaust museum. Both of these places are extremely beautiful but extremely sad.
We have a little over one week left and quite a bit of work to accomplish and many sites left to see!

Hertzl's Tomb

Mt. Hertzl Cemetery 

A statue At Yad Vashem

A Great Overlook of Jerusalem! 


  1. Jordan, thank you for this wonderful and insightful post!

  2. Great pictures Jordan! I also appreciate hearing about the sheltered and supported employment sites you have seen. It will be good to share that when you're back at Cornell, with other students to help them learn about these concepts and how they differ, or are similar, between countries. Great job! -Erin
